wait, how many games are there?
ayayashare with your friends (if you have any)
my favorite gamesponsored by communism
wait, how many games are there?
ayayashare with your friends (if you have any)
my favorite gamesponsored by communism
A MYSTERIOUS POWER...AN UNLIKELY HERO...A CLASSIC ADVENTURE...\n\nThe lone survivor of a legendary dragon clan, a rebellious youth embarks on a great journey. One of discovery... and danger. The classic role-playing game now returns to continue the epic tales of Ryu and the dragon people. An inner power of uncertain origin matures Ryu into a warrior who ponders his purpose as he embarks on a mystical journey. What lies ahead is shrouded in mystery... yet strangely familiar.\n\nDRAGON GENE SPLICING\nLEGENDARY ROLEPLAYING\nAN EPIC 3-D ENVIRONMENT\nLEARN OR STEAL ADVANCE SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES\nPOWERFUL MAGIC\n\nNOW YOU POSSESS THE POWER TO CONTROL RYU'S DESTINY.